Thursday, January 14, 2016

Using Posters as Teaching Tools

How often have you used a poster to introduce a topic and to lead a discussion??  Posters are a fun and different way to focus attention and to generate student comments.  Posters can also be used to 'wrap up' a lesson too.  Here's how it works!

1. Display the Poster at the front of the room.  You may wish to project it using the Smart Board, post it on the wall/bulletin board or ask students to gather around you by sitting on the floor with you holding the poster. 

2. Lets use Police Officer Pam and Stranger Safety as an example. 

3.  Use these questions to being discussion, introduce the topic and delve deeper into stranger safety.
a.  What do you see in this poster?
b.  Who is a stranger?
c. What do you know about strangers?
d. Do you have stranger safety rules that you follow at home? What are these rules?
e. Read the first safety star rule to students. Then ask students to share their comments.  Is this a good rule to follow?  Have you every had someone come to the door when you were home alone? Follow this same procedure with the remaining safety star tips. You may wish to have students read the safety rules.
f. Review with students what to do if they are approached by a stranger. Cover the "no-go-yell-tell" procedure with students.

4.  Learning Application. The safety star rules on this poster provide role play scenarios as well. If time permits, assign students/student groups to role play the rules.

.5. Learning Application.  To summarize the lesson ask students to complete the "Who is A Stranger" activity and then share their responses with the class. 

Find the posters and activities on the KidZ Learning Connection store!


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